Sunstone Massage Therapy & Wellness is a Licensed Registered Clinic.

Sunstone Registered Massage is Located at:

Address: 21 Roysun Rd #16, Woodbridge, ON ONTARIO L4L 8R3
Call or Text To Book Now:
Phone: (647) 233-2569

We provide quality, therapeutic client focused massage, muscle tension relief, improve muscle function, stress and pain management for your wellness. Re-Define Your Health.

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Woodbridge Ontario Registered Therapy For Massage For Back Pain

Massage For Back Pain - In Vaughan Ontario Woodbridge

Sunstone Massage For Back Pain - In Vaughan Ontario Woodbridge - Quality Massage And Care For You Promoting The Highest Possible Quality Of Massage Therapy Practice In A Safe Manner."

[Massage For Back Pain - In Vaughan Ontario Woodbridge]

The massage therapist will be able to determine if it is muscles or actual nerve impingement that is likely causing the pain.
What can you expect when you receive a massage for back pain?

When arriving for your treatment the Massage Therapist will ask a series of questions that can give clues as to where the pain may be coming from and may possibly ask you to move into certain positions to test certain muscles, these movements are known as physical assessments.

Typically, when the massage begins, the tissue is assessed for adhesions and tension imbalances. Also, when it comes to back pain, specific muscles are targetted and focused on more than others because these specific muscles impact and support the spine the most.

For the lower back, the muscles of the gluteals, piriformis, quadratus lumborum, erectors, hamstrings, quadriceps, and/or iliopsoas are assessed. Also, rotations in the vertebrae of the spine can put pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal cord.

The massage therapist will be able to determine if it is muscles or actual nerve impingement that is likely causing the pain.

Massage therapists ARE NOT qualified to diagnose a condition but they may narrow down the likely hood of where the problem is originating.

The massage Therapist can then mark down their findings and refer you back to your physician for confirmation and diagnosis or for further examination.

Discuss massage with your healthcare provider(your doctor) and with a Doctor recommended therapeutic massage; treatment can be applied for your recovery.

Sunstone Massage - Quality Massage And Care For You. Promoting The Highest Possible Quality Of Massage Therapy Practice In A Safe Manner.

To make an appointment call:

Sunstone Massage Therapy.

Telephone: 647-233-2569.
Massage For Back Pain - In Vaughan Ontario Woodbridge. Telephone: 647-233-2569. Sunstone Massage - Quality Massage And Care For You. Promoting The Highest Possible Quality Of Massage Therapy Practice In A Safe Manner.