Sciatica-Like Symptoms Vs Sciatic Nerve Damage
Registered With The College Of Massage Therapists Of Ontario
Registered With The College Of Massage Therapists Of Ontario
Sunstone High Quality Health Care For Sciatica And Sciatic Symptoms Treatment."
Unless actual damage to the sciatic nerve has occurred or you've been diagnosed by a Medical Doctor, chances are you don't have true Sciatica.
Sciatica-like symptoms without any damage or diagnosis is very common compared to true Sciatica. Sciatic like symptoms usually come from the gluteal muscles (buttock muscles). Symptoms mimic true sciatica with pain radiating down the entire back of the leg to the heel. The difference with sciatic like problems is that the pain will diminish through the day, or the pain may not reach the heel but maybe mid-calf, or heat calms the discomfort.
With true sciatica, the pain is much more intolerable and consistent. Any movement at all creates more pain and a whole other approach to healing the damaged nerve is taken.
If you're unsure as to which you have, true sciatica or not, and you're in quite a lot of pain and discomfort. Better to be safe and visit your doctor immediately. Ice cold applications to your low back and buttocks in 5-10 min increments can help control the pain and inflammation until you get to your doctor.
Now let's say it's not true sciatica.
The focus now becomes the muscles surrounding the entire length of the sciatic nerve including the nerve branches above (superior to) where the sciatic nerve begins (originates).
One particular muscle in the buttocks is highlighted as well. The Piriformis muscle (the sitting muscle) is a very important muscle because it comes in direct contact with the sciatic nerve. The nerve interacts with the muscle by passing just above, below or through the piriformis muscle.
Everybody is different and genetics influence positioning of the sciatic nerve in relation to the piriformis muscle. Tension from any muscle, including piriformis, along the sciatic nerve can pinch or press on the nerve creating sciatic like symptoms.
Piriformis is the muscle most likely to squeeze or interfere with the sciatic nerve.
Sunstone Registered Massage therapy can release these tense muscles, reset the muscle to a healthier length, and remove most pressure off of the sciatic nerve. Treatment to the gluteals would be ideal and would require verbal and written consent from the client first. Massage to the gluteal area can be performed directly to the skin or over the sheet, whichever your most comfortable with.
If you don't feel comfortable with massage to your buttocks, progress can be made through treatment of the muscles in close proximity, such as the hamstrings (back of thigh muscles) and low back muscles.
Targeting piriformis directly with gluteal contact is ideal, however. In addition to piriformis, all other muscles in close proximity to the sciatic will be treated, as well, to release adhesions, tension, spasms, increasing oxygen and blood flow.
At Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy: following your treatment a therapist will educate you on your muscle-stretching that will show you how to keep the tension to a minimum and can prevent the sciatic-like symptoms from returning. Test your own piriformis muscle to check for tension and appropriate muscles length to effectively Prevent And Reduce Sciatica Pain And Sciatica Symptom Pain.
Visit Sunstone Registered Massage For More Health Information:
Sciatica-Like Symptoms Vs Sciatic Nerve Damage: Prevent And Reduce Pain. Sunstone Registered Health Massage Clinic. Telephone: 647-233-2569 Sciatic like pain problems will diminish through the day. With true sciatica, the pain is much more intolerable and consistent. Complete Sunstone High Quality Health Care And Registered With The College Of Massage Therapists Of Ontario.