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Safe Pillow Placement - How To Properly Lay Down With Low Back Pain

Safe Pillow Placement - How To Properly Lay Down With Low Back Pain

How To Properly Lay Down With Low Back Pain - Safe Pillow Placement

Woodbridge Ontario Registered Massage Therapy Sunstone Massage."

[Safe Pillow Placement - How To Properly Lay Down With Low Back Pain - Sunstone Massage Registered Massage Therapy]

[Laying Down]

The spine naturally contains curves that act to absorb shock as we move, jump, run etc. When we lay down, the curves of the spine settle with gravity and can cause stress on the vertebrae(and body), if not properly supported. Pillows or bolsters are typically used, however rolling a large blanket, body cushion or using more than one pillow works as well.

[Resting Your Back]

When resting on your back, place the pillow support under your knees in order to have the low back flat on the ground/bed/sofa. Adjust the thickness of the pillow support until you feel your tailbone sit comfortably on the ground/bed/sofa. This gives excellent support to the lumbar sections of your spine when laying on your back. Be sure to ALSO support the neck with a pillow or rolled up bath towel.

[Laying On Your Sides - Fetal Position]

When laying on your sides (fetal position), place the pillow support between your knees or under your top knee that’s bent while the bottom leg is straightened. Be sure to ALSO support the neck with a pillow or rolled up bath towel.

[Laying On Your Stomach]

When laying on your stomach, a common sleeping position, place the pillow support between the bed and you. Position the pillow so its between your belly button and groin. This positioning supports the lumbar spine (low back) very well. In addition to the pillow under your stomach, place a pillow/support under your ankles to maintain a slight bend in the knee, which also aids in relieving stress in the low back.

Ask Sunstone Massage about Safe Pillow Placement - Learn safe pillow placement for body support and pain relief at: Sunstone Massage Therapy Wellness Clinic - Manage back pain through a massage therapy lifestyle. To make an appointment call Sunstone Massage Therapy. Telephone: 647-233-2569.