Sunstone Massage Therapy & Wellness is a Licensed Registered Clinic.

Sunstone Registered Massage is Located at:

Address: 21 Roysun Rd #16, Woodbridge, ON ONTARIO L4L 8R3
Call or Text To Book Now:
Phone: (647) 233-2569

We provide quality, therapeutic client focused massage, muscle tension relief, improve muscle function, stress and pain management for your wellness. Re-Define Your Health.

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10 Areas To Cover In A Massage.

10 Areas to cover with a deep tissue massage.

Massage treatments come in many forms. Every treatment is customized to the particular person as everyone does not have the same tense areas.

A general full body relaxation massage however can vary widely but includes treatment of the same structures.

A one hour appointment is required to get the most out of the treatment and gives the therapist the time to get all the body parts treated properly.

Keep in mind that choosing the right therapist is key, as some therapists treat the easiest areas and not the most effective areas.

For a thorough relaxation massage expect:

  1. Back of the neck and scalp (face down)
  2. Shoulders, Scapula (shoulder blades) and Spine
  3. Low back, sacrum (tail bone)
  4. Legs (front and back)
  5. Arms
  6. Feet
  7. Hands
  8. Ears (face up)
  9. Scalp (face down)
  10. And suboccipital muscles (back of skull while face up)

Sounds Great, Feels ever Better!

Experience The Quality of Sunstone Holistic Massage Therapy Centre
Telephone: 647-233-2569